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Can Clients with PCOS Be Treated with Electrolysis?

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a common hormonal disorder affecting many women. One of the distressing symptoms of PCOS is excessive hair growth, known as hirsutism. While there are various hair removal methods available, electrolysis stands out as the only FDA-approved technique for permanent hair removal. Let’s explore how electrolysis can benefit clients with PCOS.

How Does Electrolysis Work?

  • During electrolysis, a small needle is inserted into the hair follicle.
  • A low electrical current is applied to the dermal papilla to cut it out from the blood supply, which cost the hair growth.
  • The hair is then removed with tweezers.
  • Since hair growth occurs in different phases, multiple treatments are needed to catch each hair at the appropriate time in its growth cycle.

Pain and Discomfort

  • Pain tolerance varies among individuals.
  • Some discomfort is expected due to the needle insertion.
  • However, knowing that the results are permanent can motivate clients to endure the process.

Cost and Affordability

  • Electrolysis treatments can be expensive, ranging from several hundred to over a thousand dollars.
  • The cost is spread out over multiple visits.
  • Once completed, clients no longer need regular hair removal maintenance.

Choosing an Electrologist

  • Seek services from a certified electrologist.
  • Check if the practitioner remains certified.
  • Ask for references or testimonials from prior clients.

Preparing for Treatment

  • Refrain from waxing, tweezing, or plucking hair.
  • Limit caffeine, alcohol, or stimulants on the treatment day.
  • Topical numbing creams may be used with the electrologist’s approval.

Aftercare Instructions

  • Stay out of the sun for a 24h.
  • Always apply sunscreen when going outside.

In summary, electrolysis offers a safe and effective method for permanent hair removal in clients with PCOS. While the process may be uncomfortable, the results are well worth it. Consult with a certified electrologist to determine the best approach for your individual needs


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